
Along the beach at Stokes Bay you can catch:
Summer Species:
Bass, rays, sole, smoothhounds, mackerel and bream.
Winter Species:
Whiting, pouting, codling, and flatties.
Sometimes dab. Occasionally Conger Eel.

Fishing at the Browndown end of the Bay may reward you with the following catches:
Summer Species:
Bass, mackerel, smoothhounds, rays, dogfish, bream, plaice, and sole.
Winter Species:
Whiting, codling, rockling and flatties.

Visit the Fishing Guide for Stokes Bay for an up-to-date list.

Gosport & District Angling Club

The club was formed in 1949 with the club house and boat yard located close to the shore line at the Gilkicker end of the Bay. For more information: Gosport & District Angling Club